day 79


I wish I had a drobo. I have several external hard drives. My photos and music are on them. I had a 2Tb drive partitioned for my photos and music. I am running out of room for my photos. My music still has plenty of space. I got two new 1Tb drives so I could move my music over to them then let the photos expand into the entire 2Tb drives. The problem comes in with having to copy everything over. It takes hours. With a drobo, I could just exchange the smaller drive for a larger drive and drobo would do the rest. Someday.

Breakfast: eggs, peach

POTD prompt was favorite dessert.

Words to Live By.

Time Machine is cool. I had purged many of my supplies. But I had not completed the layout and needed that kit. I went into Time Machine, found the folder and restored it. Yay!

I had planned on going out to Shannon's. But I got delayed trying to finish that layout. It was 1:30 before I made lunch. I quit Photoshop because it was so slow and ate.

I was thinking about paying for an organization workshop. Then I think I spend the money on ram for my computer. It is so slow!

Lunch: grilled cheese, carrots.

I finished the layout that I started back in June.

Card of the day using new Crystal Wilkerson papers. Yummy!

Halo Bar Nutty Marshmallow. This wasn't too bad.

Dinner: popcorn.

My sweet tooth showed up. I ate three EL Fudge cookies before I remembered my caramel nips. They are doing a better job at quelling the cravings.

day 78


Breakfast: eggs, peach

POTD prompt was favorite flower. Pretty easy build. 

Last day at the pool. I won't missing sitting in the heat.

Lunch at Chick Fil A

We went to Publix to get juice. Andy drinks a lot more when he is at home.

I was dozing in the chair. Andy would talk to me and I would answer. Yes, I can talk to him in my sleep. Then dad came to me with some spreadsheets of his filing conventions for the photos. I told him to go away. "But I thought you were awake. You talked to Andy." And yet my eyes were closed. Sigh.

Layout for Words to Live By.

Jen Allyson came out with a new kit. I love the papers and had to get it. I have been pretty good about not buying everything I like.

I tried the Halo S'mores Bar. Yuck. Though they do keep me from getting hungry, they aren't really an enjoyable snack.

Dinner: tuna with roasted red pepper vinaigrette. Not bad.

Card of the day.

day 77


Breakfast: eggs, peach

POTD prompt was favorite piece of technology. This was pretty easy using my Lego pieces.

Wednesday Adventure Club: Ryan picked to go back to the Glazer Children's Museum. Today's visit was much more fun and relaxed. Ryan led the way to some of the exhibits he did not visit last time. Andy loved being on screen as a weatherman. Ryan thought it was fun to move the cameras around to view the different areas of the museum.

Ryan did spend a lot of time in the water droplet area climbing around. I think they have added some stabilizing cables as it didn't seem to sway this time.

I cracked up when Ryan came out into the theatre wearing a green robe. Who knew he would want to dress up like that?

We went to the other end of the museum to the Fire Station. There is a pole which kids can slide down but it was closed. Ryan climbed into the fire truck and watched the video for quite a while.

There were several school and camp groups so we were ready to leave.

We went to McDonalds, Starbucks and Chick Fil A for lunch then home.

Snack: chai and rocky road Halo Bar. The almond milk I got is nuttier than the last one I bought. I am not sure I like it. The Halo Bar is one step about a protein bar. But much better than a cookie in that I don't want twenty more.

I edited the photos from today and made a layout. Then I made another layout for Big Idea Festival.

Dinner: salad, melon

Card of the day.

day 76



Breakfast: eggs, peach

Ryan said he didn't know where to go for Wednesday Adventure Club. I pulled up the list of choices as tabs in my browser. He began eliminating tabs until he was down to Glazer Children's Museum and Ybor Museum. He chose the Glazer Children's Museum again. At least we have the passes so I only need to pay for parking and lunch.

POTD prompt is favorite writing. At one time I used to own a couple Lego pens. But they were chewed up by Andy and I threw them away. Ryan followed me and wanted to help. But he kept goofing around and I had to dismiss him.

School registration today. In elementary school, it s called Meet the Teacher Day. Andy still calls it that and expects to see his teacher.

Ryan chose to go at 11:00 thinking it would be less crowded. It wasn't bad. It still took an hour to complete the forms and wait in several lines. Ryan got all new teachers though his schedule may change because he was not enrolled in advanced math. Ryan chose not to see his classrooms. Most are in one building, in a regular classroom building. Andy wanted to see his teacher even though he has the same one. His classroom moved to the one he had in 6th grade. I think he was a little disappointed.

We went to lunch.

Chiropractor. Dr. Komsky was there instead of Dr. Burns.

I stopped at Nutrition Smart. This one had the Halo Bars. I got one of each to try. They are small like protein bars. I got more almond milk. The unsweetened is fine with the chai.

I stopped at Target for important things like Chai tea concentrate and dark chocolate.

Card of the day.


I made another layout for Words to Live By. Today's word was wonder. Since this is going to be all 6x6 layouts, I decided to try blending my background images.

I forgot about dinner until later. I planned one just crackers and hummus until I found the hummus to be moldy. Damn! The problem with eating fresher ingredients is that it doesn't last long. I had some Justin's Honey Peanut Butter. I dislike having to stir the peanut butter.

13 august 2011


Talked to Bonnie last night. She cut her vacation short because she kept getting business calls. She needed an invitation for a back to school party done ASAP. I found a digi kit, and made the invite in an hour.

Breakfast: eggs and melon.

POTD prompt was favorite item of clothing. I had seen a Lego vignette where they took the torsos and hung them up like tops. I went through my female torsos and picked some out. There are few options for the females. I found that I had a few of the same and decided to play that up. I had to take the hands out.

Layout for Design Your Life. My computer memory really needs to be upgraded. I would have turned off iTunes but now my dad sometimes listens to the library, it has to be left on.

Bonnie emailed me saying to redo the invite for 4x8. Then we tried to get it printed and Sam's club cannot do custom design so I had to resize it to 4x6.

Lunch: grilled cheese and carrots.

I checked the delivery status of Ryan's computer. I was hoping it would be delivered on Monday. Turns out it was out for delivery today! The FedEx truck came after six.

Snack: chai tea and almond milk, el fudge cookies. (only the broken ones)

I took apart two of my Lego cabins in hopes of building a bigger, better cabin. I kept messing it up. It took three tries to just get a slightly bigger cabin. I realize I don't have enough of the right pieces.

Dinner: pizza from Papa Johns. Andy ate 3/4 of a large pizza. I ate all of a small pizza. There didn't seem enough to save.

We set up Ryan's MacBook Pro. It is a refurbished 13". I am a little disappointed that it only came with Snow Leopard and not Lion installed. Ryan doesn't care. He is just happy to have his own working computer again.

I could not locate the boys' iPods with Find my iPhone. I checked Andy's and found that the account had been deleted. I added it again and it was located. I checked Ryan's iPod but the account was still active. That is really weird.

Card of the day.

12 august 2011


Breakfast. Eggs, cherries

Andy wanted some help looking for his iPod. I set the timer for 10 minutes, within 4 minutes, he found it under his bed. It still would not show up in Find My iPhone.

POTD prompt is a favorite walk. Today is all the weekly prompt for bridges. I combined both. But I am not sure about posting tote weekly group. They are making it too complicated.

Finished organizing my kit previews. I see I have more than enough kits. More than enough.

Card of the day.

Lunch: grilled cheese & carrots.

Andy & I went to see Winnie the Pooh. We got to the theater and tried out the D-box seats that move and rumble with the action. It was kind of cool but I wouldn't pay extra for it. We sat down and we were the only ones there for a while. The movie started 15 minutes after the posted time. It was a cute movie. It was less than an hour long.

We stopped by McDonalds for fries on the way home.

Fell asleep. Woke up to Ryan bouncing a matchbox car on my desk. And he couldn't hear me telling him to stop because his headphones are on and the music is loud enough enough for me to hear the words in the other room.

Snack: chai tea with almond milk. EL Fudge cookies. ( the broken ones because Ryan won't eat them.)

Realized it is getting warm in hear. I check and it is 81 with the AC running. Oh joy. Why do these things happen on Friday afternoons?

No one had noticed the heat. Dad wondered why he didn't need his sweater. The boys don't seem to mind. It is just me that is too warm.

The inside temp hit 83 and I had to call. No one else was bother. The repairman showed up just before 8. I had dad talk to him so I could deal with the clean up & baths. Eight three feels a lot better than 90 and humid.

The repairman changed the filter and flushed the drain. He thought it needed freon but checked a second time and the pressure was back up. So $140 later, he left and the house is slowly cooling down. I mentioned the larger filter and he said he would look into it.

The filter we need is 5" thick. I cannot find any that size in the stores and it has to be ordered. I have been using the standard 1" and they do OK but move around. I looked online for a trion filter and found them at amazon. What can't you get from amazon? Then we were confused about merv ratings. We finally figured that out and did another search. I found a cheaper source and epinions gave it good ratings. A few complaints but there will always be some.

I forgot to eat dinner and now I that I am not so hot, I am hungry.

12 june 2011

Mary Grace's birthday. I hope she likes her gifts. More importantly, I hope she has a good day.

I did get a card done this morning. For some reason, I just don't want to look at photos. Probably burned myself out with all the layouts and organizing I have done. I did manage to get my POTD done.

I started reading some fiction last night. I am way behind in my book challenge for the year.

I am over thinking. Again. I want to put my POTDs on a layout. I thought I wanted it all on one page but that makes the photos small. I thought about a double page layout which makes more since but should I use a grid? Do I want all my photos or just the best? I even spent too much time making up a new grid.

While I was fixing lunch, I thought maybe one page with all and one page with my favorites so they could be bigger.

Ryan was having trouble with his computer. It is old. He wants to watch race buddy on NASCAR but it requires flash 10.3. His iBook cannot not install the latest flash. I offered him the use of my computer but he doesn't want that. He wants his computer to work like he thinks it should.

Now he wants to live in Europe because he says it is better. He cracks me up and drives me batty all at the same time.

Another 2 hours spent at the computer working on a layout for my POTD. I like how it turned out. I am not sure if I need to do any journaling. It is all on my blog. I did spend some time looking for a 365 brush. I may have to make one up.

Savi came over to get some camera tips. She has to take some group photos. I also showed her some podcasts. Savi is going away for a couple of weeks. She asked Ryan if he would miss her and he said no. Oh man, Ryan is just too honest sometimes.

I read a book this evening, Faking It
">Faking It. It was OK. It made me cry because I am a wuss and hate conflict.

[photo walk] phillipe park

This wasn't a regular photo walk. Well, it was for Jeff and the group as they have their Monday Morning Photo Walks in different parks around Pinellas County. I had never gone as they meet at 8 am.

I had been going through my mail and saw the reminder and asked Ryan if he wanted to go. To my surprise, he said yes. Phillipe Park is in Safety Harbor and I knew we wouldn't get there on time without rushing out the door so I didn't worry about it. We got there at 8:25 but took a while to find every one. We found their cars but didn't find any photographers about. We started walking on our own.

Phillipe Park is quite active with joggers, walkers and bicyclists. We saw a few birds but Ryan managed to scare them away. We walked to an area that is a beach. I asked Andy if he wanted to get his feet wet since he and I have sandals which can get wet. Ryan said his shoes could get wet and walked in the water. Converse really aren't meant to get wet. We squished and squeaked the rest of the way.

We did find Jeff and the rest of the group. They walked a bit then drove then walked some more. Phillipe park is not that big, we walked about a mile loop though there was some more to explore. Ryan was bored and wanted to go.

We had to stop for gas so I told Ryan to look out for Hess. He spotted one right away and it was $2.51 per gallon. Closer to us it was $2.57 per gallon.

We got to the clubhouse at 10:35. Ryan wouldn't swim because it was too "late." Andy I got in the water. It was almost too warm but after the walk this morning it felt good.

Then we went to lunch and Target for groceries.

Summer Vacation Day #2

The screaming has started, and it's not me. Ryan is following Andy around like little brothers are wont to do. But Andy is not the typical big brother. He doesn't understand it. He doesn't like it. And he whines and cries. Then gets Ryan upset to where Ryan screams like a banshee. My blood pressure goes up but I stay calm, at least on the outside. 12 weeks to go. sigh

But I did get another card done.